Tag: Webinar tools

Why Host a Virtual Event?

< 1 Min Read Organizations all around the world rely heavily on the advancements of technology to increase brand awareness, promote and market their products and services, generate new leads, and increase their ROI.

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How do you plan a successful Virtual Conference?

< 1 Min Read Virtual conferences are all around us, to provide people from different walks of life and backgrounds to participate in discussions and events remotely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a new portal for conferences evolved from its nascency to maturity.

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How do I host an online panel discussion?

< 1 Min Read Various webinars and conferences are being organised online, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The beauty of attending online panel discussions is that they offer informative and educational content.

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How does a virtual trade show work?

< 1 Min Read A virtual trade show is also called the virtual trade fair or market place. It is like selling or purchasing your products or even displaying them on an online platform rather than on a person to person basis.

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How do you hold a virtual conference?

< 1 Min Read A virtual conference or live and real-time webinar is a great way to increase your reach and improve brand awareness. If you are planning your first remote event, here are 5 tips to host a successful virtual event –

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hybrid event
Webinar QA
Team Bruhatee

How Do You Host A Hybrid Event?

< 1 Min Read A hybrid event is a merger of virtual and physical event and has become popular during the pandemic situation. To make a hybrid event successful, you have to plan it accordingly and come up with unique ideas.

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